Are you ready to be in sacred union?
Have you always had the feeling that you are meant to share your life’s journey with someone?
Do you feel that your relationships have been a painful experience?
Do you feel that you are in a repetitive pattern with perhaps a different person but pulling in the same experience?
Do you feel that you attract partners that are consistently out of alignment with your soul’s desire?
I am so honored to present to you my Divine Partner Course…
I have broken my journey down into a 6-step process to release all that no longer serves you while simultaneously upgrading and aligning yourself to become a vibrational match to your divine partner.
We attract what we are inside, not what we want. In order to pull in your divine partner, you will become the sacred union within yourself.
My soul called for this course.
“Thank you for this program. A few weeks ago I had my embodied soul-awakening after having merged my inner divine female and my inner divine male and stepped into self-love. I know my next step now is to reunify with my twin soul and to spread true love over the planet earth. My soul called for this program and my twin soul. Thank you.”
In each module you receive:



This course comes with six powerful transmission:

Womb Meditation & Divine Masculine
Clearing from pain, trauma, emotional wounds, & unwanted energies from past lovers and relationships and healing the divine masculine.

Connect to the Soul of your Divine Partner
Connecting to the soul of your divine partner and familiarizing yourself with their energy as you sync up your heart, body, spirit, & energy fields.

Letting Go of Old Hurts & Reframing the Past
Clearing and cutting cords from past relationships, releasing resistive patterning & belief systems that we hold around relationships and utilizing the power of forgiveness to release and transcend old hurts & pain.

Upgrading and Healing the Divine Feminine/Masculine & Stepping Into Your Power
Connecting to our divine sacred feminine and upgrading aspects and archetypes that may have served us to survive in the past but are now limiting our present and future. Stepping into your full expression of the divine goddess that you truly are.

Utilizing your Divine Feminine/Masculine Power to Heal the Masculine/Feminine & Coming into Sacred Union
Utilizing our divine feminine to heal our divine masculine; bringing these potent energies into wholeness and balance so that you are now housing this divine union within you, thus making you a complete vibrational match to pull in your divine partner.

Visualizing Your Sacred Union
In this transmission, we open the field of imagination; daring to dream up and create what you fully deserve your union to look and feel like. This gives the opportunity to be brave and bold. Remember – what you want, wants you.
BONUS! Heart Awakening Series
An hour of meditation transmissions to activate and awaken love within you and into your life.
Allow the sounds to permeate your being. Give yourself permission to let go and let love lead the way.
Each meditation is rooted in the power of breath, allowing your heart to soften and expand. Feel the warmth of pure source energy effortlessly flowing through with each inhale.
When we recognize that love is the most powerful force in the universe, we gain access to this divine love any time that we choose to feel it. During this time, this practice is so helpful.
JOIN NOWHow it works
I recommend taking one week with each module. This allows enough time for processing and integrating what comes up. I recommend you do each meditation several times as we are multidimensional beings with many layers. Each time you listen to the meditations, it will bring up something new.
For example, while one of my clients was doing the womb meditation, she felt a lot of resistance and blockage. After a few times, she realized that block had to do with feeling unworthy of receiving healing and love. As she continued to do it, she was able to release this belief. In order to really receive the richness of this experience, take your time. Use your divine intuition and give yourself this time to cleanse, to heal, to bring yourself into alignment.
Be prepared to meet yourself during this journey. You will release a conditioned pattern of thinking, old beliefs that no longer serve you, and move into alignment.
I met my Divine Partner 3 days after hearing Mei-lan singing in the first meditation.
“I am so grateful for this program! To be honest, I started a little on the skeptical side as I have tried meditations like this in the past and they never worked. As soon as I heard Mei singing in the first meditation, I received a beautiful vision and the feeling of relief and gratitude of being with my Divine Partner. I then met mine 3 days later. Mei, I cannot thank you enough for sharing your wisdom and beautiful sound healing with the rest of us!”
This course is for you if:
You are ready to step into sacred union and partnership
You are ready to set aside the time and commitment it takes to truly devote yourself to this process
You are ready to feel supported, loved, cherished, and held by your divine partner
You are worthy to receive exactly what is in your heart and what your soul desires for you. Let’s light up the world with divine love soul union.

About Mei-lan
I am Mei-lan Maurits -- a soul mystic and guide. I am a clear channel for pure Source energy.
All of my work serves the purpose of bringing light to your life and assisting you in reconnecting to the source of love within you.